Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Comforter
R.I.P to Jason Hudson and Darnell Donerson as our hearts and prayers go out to Jennifer for this tragic loss. I pray that the lord will stretch forth his arms of mercy and give her peace in the midst of this storm. I pray that God will arrest the kidnapper of Jennifer's 7 year old nephew Julian who has been abducted since friday. Holy Spirit take over Hudsons situation and comfort her like only you can. I posted this video as I think the words are so suiting. This is one BIG MOUNTAIN!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Soooooo here I go with my apology again! but the truth is I forgot my password!lol and I didnt want to have to go through registering the blog again!! So, now that I am back in the mix do forgive me.
I posted this video because I totally love this song even though some may call it "wordly" the words are great. Search within and stop looking so far. Everything you need that pertains to life is within you. YOU are the greatest.
You might listen to this and think of someone who is dear to you or was special at some point in your life BUT this for me was self reflective. I AM THE GREATEST, I ALWAYS SHINE!!! and this is all because HE LIVES IN ME and is "THE GREATEST" (JESUS THAT IS)XXX LOVE YA'LL. I SHALL RETURN..
"Not unto us oh lord but unto thee give glory" Psalm 115:1
Friday, August 29, 2008
Live Performance
I decided to post one of my favourite live performances. There is something so electric (holy ghost) when "ALL RACES" come together and lift up the name of the lord. He must be proud of his children! Lord be lifted up!!! AMEN. ENJOY THE 3 DAY WEEKEND AND STAY IN HIS PRESENCE! xxxx
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Keep it real-He knows who you are
I was listening to this song by Lauren Hill "Tell Him" and it really describes how I feel right now. I feel her singing my life with her words. *wink wink* Especially how she says "tell him"... kinda like, Lord I know I'm so unworthy, so I am asking someone to speak for me, I want you to know I love you...
Excerpts from the song:
"Let me be patient, let me be kind, make me unselfish without being blind"
"I know I am imperfect and not without sin"..."Tell him I need HIM"..."Its gon' be alright" oh my she is killing me softly with her words for real!
Lesson Learned this week:
I have stopped trying to be what I thought HE wanted me to be. I am now coming to him as I am so he can PURIFY ME like only HE CAN! I no longer know, I no longer go, instead, I ask and then I follow!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sex and the Church
Hello all! I hope you enjoy this 5 minute video.
I will be back soon with more information on the book by Beverly T. Gooden, Author of Confessions of a Church Girl.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
It has been a while since I have show cased a hero/heroine. VOLAR! Here is a short clip of Ayaan Hirsi Ali whom I describe as an "anti-islamic radical". She describes herself as a "Muslim Athiest" and I admire her bravery and her overt stand against the Islamic radicals. The mass killings and urges of violence towards those who do not believe in "Allah" is increasing as the days goes by and the death rate is alarming. She takes a stand against the quotes in the Koran that encourage men to "beat disobedient wives", "Jihad" (to fight) "Kill the unbelievers, ambush them and take their property" and makes educated arguements against staunch muslims who believe the Koran is not "all bad". She wishes not to be a part of domination and killing sprees,denounces any affiliation with "Prophet Mohammed". She is a voice for young women, Christian and Jewish minorities and it is unfortunate that her life has been threatened for a number of years. Although she has not confessed Jesus as her lord and saviour, I do consider her a "motivationalist" if there is such a word. I pray that God will continue to protect and guide her. Even though she is yet to admit what she believes in, I believe the spirit of God is working in and through her and she does not even know it. I cannot tell you the unimaginable things I have heard that has been done in the name of Islam. I was in a NYC taxi the other day and the driver (from Pakistan) and I got into a conversation about the suffering that civillians in Pakistan have to endure. He came from a christian family (mind you he was not a preacher, nor was he evangelising) the day the authorities found out.
They kidnapped him and tortured him for months. He showed me his wounds,his disfigured left arm and fingers which had been sliced off. I cringed and heeved after each sentence. As squeemish as I am, I couldn't ask him to stop because I really wanted to hear his story. He somehow managed to escape-picked up his left arm shoved it in his pocket and tied his fingers together with some cloth and wood. I know God will reward his faithful servants. "Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 5.
I do not condemn or speak against Muslims but I only ask that the radicalists respect the choice of free will. I end with this to my fellow believers in christ:
"God has given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
and that every tongue should confess thatJesus Christ is Lord…"
Philippians 2:9-11.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
RIP Betty Wright

My prayers go out to the Wright family as they mourn the loss of Betty Wright and their grandson.
I have the full report here frm the daily news:
Brooklyn pastor known as the “godfather of gospel” was critically injured and his wife and grandson killed when a wrong-way driver hit their vehicle in Pennsylvania, police said Saturday.
The Rev. Timothy Wright, 61, was hospitalized after the Friday night crash that killed his wife, Betty, 58, on Interstate 80 in Greene Township, about 160 miles west of Manhattan, state police said.
The couple’s 14-year-old grandson, D.J., died at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville on Saturday evening, a hospital spokeswoman said this morning. She said the pastor remained in critical condition.
The wrong-way driver, John Pick, 44, of Lewisburg, Pa., was also killed in the head-on collision, state police said. Police said they were awaiting a toxicology test to determine whether Pick was driving under the influence of alcohol.
Wright has released more than a dozen gospel recordings and is pastor at Grace Tabernacle Christian Center in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
His album “Come Thou Almighty King” was nominated for best traditional soul gospel album at the 1995 Grammy Awards. His latest CD, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” came out last year.
Grace Tabernacle parishioners gathered at the church’s doorstep Saturday night and placed candles in front of a photograph of the pastor’s wife. Inside, they covered her chair with a shroud.
“I would have to say she was a jewel,” said congregant Phillip Culver. “She was right by her husband’s side and gave so much support to the church.”
While mourning Betty Wright, the parishioners were thankful to learn their pastor had opened his eyes.
“I’m believing in God now,” said Cynthia Boone, 43. “I’m relieved now that everything is okay.”
The Wrights were driving home to Roosevelt, L.I., from a church conference in Detroit, parishioners said. They were married for 37 years and had five sons.
Bishop James Gaylord, a prelate with the Church of God in Christ, said he would visit his friend today in the hospital. He expected the pastor to be hard hit by his wife's death.
"They were like a match made in heaven," Gaylord said. "She will be a tremendous loss to the community as well as to Christendom."
The church plans to hold a special prayer service at 5 p.m. Sunday
Life is short and nobody knows tomorrow so let us praise him while we still can.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I just dont get it! MERCY LORD!
Hey guys! I mean this world just never fails to amaze me. I really want to thank God for who I am today and I thank him for taking me to higher heights and deeper depths in his word. I pray that he will have mercy on ALL mankind. The bible says we ought to pray one for another and indeed we do for "ALL have sinned and fallen short of his glory" So, those of us who profess we believe should stay in prayer. Prayer is a hard thing to do consistently but it is IMPERATIVE that we stay on our knees! The bible says "broad is the way and wide is the gate that leads to destruction and many are they that enter in, straight is the way and narrow is the gate that leads to heaven and few are they that find it" Matthew 7:14. I need you, you need me and we all need eachother so survive in this walk. Let us pray more and seek HIM MORE than these wordly things. This advert left me speechless! I dont put it here to judge but it really saddens me that this is what our children are to be exposed to! WHO CAN EXPLAIN THIS?
I heard someone say "Many people want Christianity to fit like a nice coat, but in truth, we must fit ourselves into Christianity, for it is already established"
We as a people are becoming toooooooo liberal and this new age stuff will only lead us to HELL!!!!!! God bless you all.
I heard someone say "Many people want Christianity to fit like a nice coat, but in truth, we must fit ourselves into Christianity, for it is already established"
We as a people are becoming toooooooo liberal and this new age stuff will only lead us to HELL!!!!!! God bless you all.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
oh noooooooooooooooooo he didnt
Thought ya'll might find this as funny as I thought it was..
Leave that child with me for a week and I will straighten him out.
This family needs prayer!
Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Children, honor thy father and thy mother so that ye shall live a long life.

So, to all those who have not gone to see this movie I implore you to GET OUT THERE NOW!
This movie is so awesome and it draws upon biblical principles and concepts and I wont attempt to give a bootleg review so here is Wikipedia's synopsis of Part 1 "The Lion, The witch and The Wardrobe"
The Chronicles of Narnia present the adventures of children who play central roles in the unfolding history of the fictional realm of Narnia, a place where animals talk, magic is common, and good battles evil. Each of the books (with the exception of The Horse and His Boy) features as its protagonists children from our world who are magically transported to Narnia, where they are called upon to help the lion Aslan to right some wrong in the world of Narnia .
As a christian, this movie was inspiring and thought provoking. Aslan, the "Great Lion," is the central character in the movie.He is a talking lion, King of the Beasts, son of the Emperor-Over-the-Sea; a wise, compassionate, magical authority (both temporal and spiritual); mysterious and beloved guide to the human children who visit; guardian and saviour of Narnia; and ultimately revealed as its creator and destroyer.The author, C. S. Lewis, described Aslan as an alternate version of Christ—that is, as the form that Christ might have appeared in a fantastic world.
The graphics and film tricks are superb! I beg you go see it! The sequel is another story which beautifully draws on the teachings of christ about belief and faith in God. Lucy, the youngest of the children is the only one who believes Aslan ("Jesus") can save them from their enemies/oppressors while the others have doubts and think logically. The Genesis and Revelation of it all is adopting a childlike mind in order to communicate with God (or enter the kindgom of God). Get rid of the logical mind and just believe and it will surprise you what the lord can do.
Matthew 18:2-4
Jesus called a little child to come to him. Jesus stood the child before the followers. Then Jesus said, "I tell you the truth. You must change and become like little children {in your hearts}. If you don't do this, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. The greatest (most important) person in the kingdom of heaven is the person that makes himself humble like this child.

Mark 10:13-15 13
And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them.
When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child 2 will not enter it."
Monday, May 12, 2008
Please join me in prayer for ALL the victims of the recent earth quakes and natural disasters shaking our world.
Our brothers and sisters are killed in vast numbers daily in less than one minute. This is really a wake up to all.. let our focus be LOVE and let us pray....
Our brothers and sisters are killed in vast numbers daily in less than one minute. This is really a wake up to all.. let our focus be LOVE and let us pray....
Friday, May 2, 2008
Welcome back!!

Phew! Having got that off my chest I apologise for going AWOL on ya'll but things both big and silly have caused me to be distracted. Donnie Mcclurkin sang it best when he said "we fall down, but we get up.. we fall down but we get up... for a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up"
So I will like to co-title this post "Get back up again"
Back in February, I lost my job unexpectedly thanks to the dwindling economy, mass foreclosures and eratic stock market my company decided that they could do without me. Hey, I am a firm believer in the statement (wherever it stems from) "everything happens for a reason". It may seem like a trivial thing to some however an idle man can slowly become the devils workshop/mantlepiece.
6 weeks of back and forth interviews in a city where over 60,000 people at minimum were layed off means that there are about 60people to one position (more candidates than jobs) so with all that being said, I was positive for the most part but there were days where I was discouraged and my eyes welled up with tears my mind was running rampant "God, will I get kicked out of my apartment" "How am I going to pay my bills" "how long will this linger" "oh my I can't be homeless". But little did I know HE was working it out for my good. God was behind the scenes.I had the full support of praying sisters and brothers and the word kept me going.
My Remedy was praise:
Praise is what I do
When I want to be close to You,
I lift my hands in praise.
Praise is who I am,
I will praise Him while I can.
I'll bless Him at all times
I vow to praise You
Through the good and the bad.
I'll praise You,
Whether happy or sad.
I'll praise You
(this is my testimony)
In all that I go through,
(somebody said why)
Because praise is what I do,
Cause I owe it all to You.
IT took taking the focus off myself and giving God praise anyhow to make me feel better. It lifts the burden when we release it to him in praise. Now I am no robot and it maybe a hard pill to chew sometimes but CAST YOUR CARES UNTO HIM FOR HE CARES FOR YOU. 6weeks later I got a better job with better pay!
Praise Him folks!!! praiseeeeeeeeeeeeeee him! Sometimes God tests our endurance and I'll be damned if I let a job curse my salvation! The job can go but I am on my way to victory. It doesnt matter what blows your GOD (JEHOVAH) is bigger than that. Get back up again, get back up again GET BACK UP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
Saved and Sancitied, Holy ghost filled and fire baptized!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Beatitudes!
"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-
A break down of the beatitudes
Happy are the Poor in Spirit
What it means Humility
What we have to do Don't be selfish
The result if we don't listen Pride...
Happy Are They Who Mourn
What it means Feeling bad for what wrong thing we did
What we have to do Ask for and give forgiveness
The result if we don't listen Hardened...
Happy Are The Meek
What it means Gentleness
What we have to do Sensitivity to others
The result if we don't listen Pushy...
Happy Are They Who Hunger After Righteousness
What it means Wanting to learn
What we have to do Be aware of what you don't know
The result if we don't listen Self-satisfied...
Happy Are The Merciful
What it means Helpfulness
What we have to do Give understanding
The result if we don't listen Harmfulness...
Happy Are The Pure in Heart
What it means Pure in what we intend
What we have to do Be Honest
The result if we don't listen Deception...
Happy Are The Peacemakers
What it means Peace
What we have to do Learn to get along with everyone
The result if we don't listen Complaining...
Happy Are The Persecuted
What it means Turning the other cheek
What we have to do Put others first
The result if we don't listen Revenge...
God bless You all. I implore you to study and meditate on the word it is sooooo refreshing!
Love ya'll Saved and Sanctified, holy ghost filled and fire baptised!
"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-
A break down of the beatitudes
Happy are the Poor in Spirit
What it means Humility
What we have to do Don't be selfish
The result if we don't listen Pride...
Happy Are They Who Mourn
What it means Feeling bad for what wrong thing we did
What we have to do Ask for and give forgiveness
The result if we don't listen Hardened...
Happy Are The Meek
What it means Gentleness
What we have to do Sensitivity to others
The result if we don't listen Pushy...
Happy Are They Who Hunger After Righteousness
What it means Wanting to learn
What we have to do Be aware of what you don't know
The result if we don't listen Self-satisfied...
Happy Are The Merciful
What it means Helpfulness
What we have to do Give understanding
The result if we don't listen Harmfulness...
Happy Are The Pure in Heart
What it means Pure in what we intend
What we have to do Be Honest
The result if we don't listen Deception...
Happy Are The Peacemakers
What it means Peace
What we have to do Learn to get along with everyone
The result if we don't listen Complaining...
Happy Are The Persecuted
What it means Turning the other cheek
What we have to do Put others first
The result if we don't listen Revenge...
God bless You all. I implore you to study and meditate on the word it is sooooo refreshing!
Love ya'll Saved and Sanctified, holy ghost filled and fire baptised!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008

Chaplain Charles Yost was deployed as an Army Reserve Chaplain to Kuwait and Iraq in support of the 323rd Military Intelligence Battalion during Operation Iraqi Freedom II. With his Chaplain Assistant, SSG Stevie Mick, this Unit Ministry Team tended to the spiritual needs of hundred of Soldiers in demanding conditions.
The week before I was activated, there were times the pressure was immense. I would literally force myself to take a deep breath because we expected that weapons of mass destruction would be used against us in Iraq. I had all kinds of thoughts like, "This might be the last time I get to see my loved ones." So I was acutely aware that I was going through the same kind of emotions other Soldiers were.
Being an Army Chaplain is a substantially more involved experience than is pasturing a civilian congregation because you are literally with these Soldiers sixteen, eighteen hours a day. In the civilian world you might be with a secretary for five or six hours—but you're not with this quantity of people, and you're not all sharing very similar experiences.
The hardest aspect of deployment for my unit was with Soldiers having to deal with issues back home. Whether it was their spouse, a relationship, childcare, health issues or a financial dilemma, Soldiers are kind of helpless when they get information like this from home. It was an honor to be positioned to offer a little guidance and support.
When you're deployed as a Chaplain in Kuwait/Iraq, there's a fair amount of going around from tent-to-tent to get to know and be with the soldiers. That's in addition to providing worship and bible study as part of a regular schedule. We offered a daily bible study that was attended by around 25 or 30 different Soldiers there.
I'm not Mr. Charisma, I'm just a Steady Eddie kind of a guy. I tend to do better getting out there and joining the Soldiers as they're doing something—pitching in and gaining an understanding of what they're doing, some of the pressures they're under. I would try to sit with a different set of people during meals to get to know them in groups. And sometimes it would be a one-on-one thing—that's when I would explore where they were on their spiritual journey.
The Soldiers I served alongside of were remarkable. It was a great privilege to be with anywhere from 20 to 200 of America's finest every day of the year. The soldiers I met were so impressive in their competence and in their eagerness to perform their assigned duties. Some of us were able to serve in places like Babylon, a place so steeped in history. What a thrill to stand in that same location where the body of Alexander the Great had lain and where Daniel read the writing on the wall.
May God bless our troops, this is inspiring!
Thanks to GOARMY.COM for this info.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Everyone, I hope you are all well and thankful for the grace our lord has given us..
I never want to take his grace for granted!!
I thank God for the various things he is to us.. I learnt that he is not just "jireh" our provider.. he himself is provision, he is not just our "healer" he is healing.. the moment we begin to look at God for what he is and not just what he can do we tap into a greater spiritual realm. He is a gift himself not just a giver of gifts. He is a blessing and not just a blesser. I realised how great life can be. Despite my circumstance, God is still great and even through our tribulations.. Let us no longer seek healing but seek the healer, not seek provision but seek the provider. Now I completely understand that scripture "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you" healing shall be added, peace shall be added. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. LET US MAKE HIM BIGGER THAN OUR WORRIES. SEEK HIS FACE NOT HIS HANDS.. LORD YOU ARE HOLY!!!! HALLELUJAH! Christianity is not a formula, it is the person. Grace is not a doctrine, it is the person of Jesus Christ. The blessing is not the company you are in or your career in the city.. when the lord is in your life and you honor and cultivate his presence HE WILL BLESS YOU. OHHHHHHHH GLORY! We cannot base our prosperity on the things of this world.. life is ever changing but if we go with the lord he is NEVER CHANGING!!!!
GOD BLESS YOU. Here is a snippet of another John P Kee song, "OH HOW WONDROUS"
I never want to take his grace for granted!!
I thank God for the various things he is to us.. I learnt that he is not just "jireh" our provider.. he himself is provision, he is not just our "healer" he is healing.. the moment we begin to look at God for what he is and not just what he can do we tap into a greater spiritual realm. He is a gift himself not just a giver of gifts. He is a blessing and not just a blesser. I realised how great life can be. Despite my circumstance, God is still great and even through our tribulations.. Let us no longer seek healing but seek the healer, not seek provision but seek the provider. Now I completely understand that scripture "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you" healing shall be added, peace shall be added. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. LET US MAKE HIM BIGGER THAN OUR WORRIES. SEEK HIS FACE NOT HIS HANDS.. LORD YOU ARE HOLY!!!! HALLELUJAH! Christianity is not a formula, it is the person. Grace is not a doctrine, it is the person of Jesus Christ. The blessing is not the company you are in or your career in the city.. when the lord is in your life and you honor and cultivate his presence HE WILL BLESS YOU. OHHHHHHHH GLORY! We cannot base our prosperity on the things of this world.. life is ever changing but if we go with the lord he is NEVER CHANGING!!!!
GOD BLESS YOU. Here is a snippet of another John P Kee song, "OH HOW WONDROUS"
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Giants do die,
the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Giants, they die,
just walk around the Jericho wall.
Now we come in Your name
and we stand on Your word,
what is loosed in the heavens,
will be loosed on earth.
Now we come in Your name
and we stand on Your word,
what is loosed in the heavens,
will be loosed on earth;
let God arise, giant, die.
Your praise will bring down strong holds.
When you pray, you will see miracles.
Just pray when things seem impossible
and the King of Glory will show His glory;
let God arise, giant, die.
Vamp 1:
When you praise,
When you praise,
When you praise,
they gotta come down.
Vamp 2:
When you worship,
When you worship,
When you worship,
they gotta come down.
Vamp 3:
When you shout,
just shout.
When you shout,
they gotta come down.
Vamp 4:
They gotta come down.
Vamp 3
Vamp 4
Let God arise, giant die.
Right Now Praise

People of the lord it has been a while!! If there was ever a time I am so grateful to be alive it is now. I have heard so many horror stories of late, read so many articles that have deeply disturbed me and all I can say is Lord I thank you for keeping me alive!! Well, I have recently discovered this guy John P. Kee and the New Life Community Choir and I am a FAN! I really like this song they have out now called "Right Now Praise" and it just lifts up my spirit and makes me want to praise God for everything he has done, he hasnt done and that which he is going to do.. its awesome I tell you. I found this clip and I think it is adorable. It does something to me when kids praise the lord and so here is something I pulled off John P.Kee's myspace page...
Here is my song of the week by John P.Kee... I wish ya'll could see me get down now!!!
I will be back with more but God bless you for now.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Victory Is My New Name!

God is able to deliver me and I am excited about the change to come.. My flesh will not get the victory but God will! I decree it.. I am setting my eyes on the hills whenceforth cometh my help!! oh gloryyyyyyyyyyy! Its Sunday Morning and I was glad when they said unto me oh let us go into the house of the lord. I will be praising alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day!!!!!!!!!!!! VICTORY IS GUARANTEED... THIS VICTORY IS GUARANTEED!!! The bible says "Decree a thing and it shall be established unto me and my light shall shine on your ways" I thank God for the patience of Job at this time in my life.
God bless ya'll!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
My Favourite things!!!!
William Murphy Praise is what I do (Hezekiah Walker also has his version)
Commissioned Ordinary Just Wont Do (For the real Fred Hammond and Marvin Sapp fans..this is where it started)
Shekinah Glory Yes (this song speaks to me!)
Donnie McClurkin Great Is Your Mercy
The cutest thing ever (children are precious)Mark 10:14 But when Jesus saw it, he was moved with indignation, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me; forbid them not: for to such belongeth the kingdom of God.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Isnt this ridiculous????????
Hello!!! I am extremely overjoyed and I hope you are too.
I came across this video and I felt I should share it
I initially found the clip extremely hilarious but then again its not. This is a typical example of how kids grow up and become criminals because they feel they can get what they want. I am not sure if this child's parents are involved or if he has parents but the Make A Wish Foundation may very well go bankrupt (if not already have) if they do not stop operating in fear.. A law suit might have been cheaper than granting this child all his wishes! The devil has turned around a blessing and made it a curse and now others have to suffer because of an 8-year old child. I mean did anyone talk to him about that?? about being selfish and possibly causing others to die because they have to legally fulfill his wishes??? WAKE UP AMERICA!! What made me cackle was the suttle way in which Haggart's co-host "wishes" the boy dead(the irony).... what else does one do at this point I mean,someone please slap me or wake me up! really this has got to be a hoax! Watch and see for yourselves.
"Don’t fail to correct your children; discipline won’t hurt them! They won’t die if you use a stick on them! Punishment will keep them out of hell” (Prov. 23:13 The Living Bible).
“If you refuse to discipline your son, it proves you don’t love him; for if you love him, you will be prompt to punish him” (Prov. 13:24 The Living Bible).
I do not see where "sick" children are exempt or maybe its just a simple case of ignorance! Pardon my tone folks this vexed me!
God bless, SHALOM.
I came across this video and I felt I should share it
I initially found the clip extremely hilarious but then again its not. This is a typical example of how kids grow up and become criminals because they feel they can get what they want. I am not sure if this child's parents are involved or if he has parents but the Make A Wish Foundation may very well go bankrupt (if not already have) if they do not stop operating in fear.. A law suit might have been cheaper than granting this child all his wishes! The devil has turned around a blessing and made it a curse and now others have to suffer because of an 8-year old child. I mean did anyone talk to him about that?? about being selfish and possibly causing others to die because they have to legally fulfill his wishes??? WAKE UP AMERICA!! What made me cackle was the suttle way in which Haggart's co-host "wishes" the boy dead(the irony).... what else does one do at this point I mean,someone please slap me or wake me up! really this has got to be a hoax! Watch and see for yourselves.
"Don’t fail to correct your children; discipline won’t hurt them! They won’t die if you use a stick on them! Punishment will keep them out of hell” (Prov. 23:13 The Living Bible).
“If you refuse to discipline your son, it proves you don’t love him; for if you love him, you will be prompt to punish him” (Prov. 13:24 The Living Bible).
I do not see where "sick" children are exempt or maybe its just a simple case of ignorance! Pardon my tone folks this vexed me!
God bless, SHALOM.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Character and Integrity

Hey! Today I want to talk about character and integrity and hope I can get you thinking about some of the things we may be doing that might hinder our blessings from God. Character and Integrity are two things our ancestors strived real hard to achieve. I remember those long talks with grandma and grandpa and uncle Paul and aunty Rita when my mother chastised me for something I did wrong and I got salty. They would sit me down and just keeeeeeeeepppppp going. But, I realise now they did this to build up my character, they were trying to teach me how to be a better person and I know now that correction is only love!!
I found out that in the bible there is so much on character and integrity from reading Psalms,Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and so on.
These scriptures below should give you insight as to why it is so important no matter what circumstance that you do remember that your name is something you have to protect. It should never be soiled or tainted whether it be in you work place, in the streets or as you go about your dailies. Watch what you say and the life you live as you always want to be remebered for having good character and integrity. You want to make a promise and stick to it even when it hurts... sometimes this means breaking the bank.
On Job: (His wife says to him after he lost all he had, including his children)
"Then said his wife to him, shall thou still retain thy integrity" Job 2:9
Ecclesiastes 7:1 "A good name is better than precious ointment"
Proverbs 22:1 "Choose a good reputation over great riches, for being held in high esteem is better than having silver and gold"
Psalms 15
"Who may worship in your sanctuary, lord?
Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?
Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts.
Those who refuse to slander others or harm their neighbours or speak evil of their friends.
Those who despise persistent sinners, and honor faithful followers of the lord and keep their promises even when it hurts.
Those who do not charge interest on the money they lend, and who refuse to accept bribes to testify against the innocent.
Such people will stand firm forever"
There is a whole lot in between on character not included in Psalms 15 for example:
Numbers 12:1 "Miriam and Aaron spoke against moses because he had married a Cushite(Ethiopian) woman...."
They slandered him because he married a black woman... and when you read further God cursed them with leprosy! When you have found favor with God he takes care of the evil doers and the naysayers... Here is the SERIOUSNESS of God!!! I mean, leprosy just because of the words they spoke. Mercy Lord!
My prayer is that we receive, holiness and righteousness as God's gift to us.
SANCTIFICATION: Be holy, for God is Holy. It is to be like Him.
In all we do let us strive to be more christ like in character and maintain integrity..
God bless, SHALOM X
Monday, February 4, 2008
Still some left!!!
Hi and greetings to you in the sweet name of Jesus. I hope you have had a great and promising new year so far. I hope you have let go of all hindrances and all dead weight.. I pray that this year you will see victory and not failure, I pray that God will give you the spirit to seek his face more this year and keep you covered under his wings in the name of Jesus.
As we watch and see all that is going on in the world, the constant suicide bombing in the middle east, the conflict in Kenya, Congo, Darfur, Asia, Nigeria, Sudan and even in our very home land America.. we can see how all manners of evil and curses have so afflicted us. This only leads me to cry out to God like my brother Smokie Norful sang "I need you nowwwwwwwwwwwww.. I need you now, not another second not another day..."
Saints this is the time to pray and strive harder to live for christ. It is not about the church sermons and feel good services, it is no longer about how big of a seed you sow. I find that a lot of us are blessed in the physical but we are cursed spiritually.. the word fails to reside in our inner man. We have become spiritually barren lacking discernment, devotion, and compassion for others we have become selfish and concerned with no one but ourselves! The truth about righteousness is almost unheard of.. we have become a world full of liars, thieves, adulterers, money hungry and perverse human beings how can God dwell amongst us??? But this sermon by Donnie Swaggart make me believe that God is watching and is still speaking!! OH GLORY.. He preached from his soul! Thank you Lord for this warning!!!! May God bless you as you watch this. I pray the lords blessing of PEACE reigns on Donnie Swaggart and family.. I know there have been a variety of scandals surrounding him and his family but I believe our God is a God of a second chance. Amen! xxx enjoy
As we watch and see all that is going on in the world, the constant suicide bombing in the middle east, the conflict in Kenya, Congo, Darfur, Asia, Nigeria, Sudan and even in our very home land America.. we can see how all manners of evil and curses have so afflicted us. This only leads me to cry out to God like my brother Smokie Norful sang "I need you nowwwwwwwwwwwww.. I need you now, not another second not another day..."
Saints this is the time to pray and strive harder to live for christ. It is not about the church sermons and feel good services, it is no longer about how big of a seed you sow. I find that a lot of us are blessed in the physical but we are cursed spiritually.. the word fails to reside in our inner man. We have become spiritually barren lacking discernment, devotion, and compassion for others we have become selfish and concerned with no one but ourselves! The truth about righteousness is almost unheard of.. we have become a world full of liars, thieves, adulterers, money hungry and perverse human beings how can God dwell amongst us??? But this sermon by Donnie Swaggart make me believe that God is watching and is still speaking!! OH GLORY.. He preached from his soul! Thank you Lord for this warning!!!! May God bless you as you watch this. I pray the lords blessing of PEACE reigns on Donnie Swaggart and family.. I know there have been a variety of scandals surrounding him and his family but I believe our God is a God of a second chance. Amen! xxx enjoy
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