Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I just dont get it! MERCY LORD!

Hey guys! I mean this world just never fails to amaze me. I really want to thank God for who I am today and I thank him for taking me to higher heights and deeper depths in his word. I pray that he will have mercy on ALL mankind. The bible says we ought to pray one for another and indeed we do for "ALL have sinned and fallen short of his glory" So, those of us who profess we believe should stay in prayer. Prayer is a hard thing to do consistently but it is IMPERATIVE that we stay on our knees! The bible says "broad is the way and wide is the gate that leads to destruction and many are they that enter in, straight is the way and narrow is the gate that leads to heaven and few are they that find it" Matthew 7:14. I need you, you need me and we all need eachother so survive in this walk. Let us pray more and seek HIM MORE than these wordly things. This advert left me speechless! I dont put it here to judge but it really saddens me that this is what our children are to be exposed to! WHO CAN EXPLAIN THIS?

I heard someone say "Many people want Christianity to fit like a nice coat, but in truth, we must fit ourselves into Christianity, for it is already established"
We as a people are becoming toooooooo liberal and this new age stuff will only lead us to HELL!!!!!! God bless you all.

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