Hello people!
Hope you guys had a great weekend! OK so mine was rather productive.
One of the projects I am working on is piece by piece coming together and by next week I hope to be in better form. So far so good!
OK I am back in the gym this week I kinda slacked all of last week but I must return to battle with a vengeance!
Saturday, I must say I felt like I was married carrying out my wifely duties of cleaning, dusting, scrubbing, laundry, did the salon, and even had time to come home cook, and rest. I mean I will soooooooo make a great wife! lol.
My heart skipped a couple of beats when I logged on to travelocity this morning. I am taking a trip this Xmas to Europe and Africa and the prices are really carazyyyyy! I needed a break from the computer after I set my eyes on those figures. I wont lie something in me was mad!!!!!! HOW DARE THEY????? lol
So you know I don't leave without "A WORD FROM THE LORD"
Thessalonians is really the book that will help the converted who are in need of encouragement. Paul wrote this letter to the Church in Thessalonica to encourage and reassure Christians there...reminding them the kind of life that is pleasing to God. He stresses on loving each other as brothers and sisters, going out of our way for each other and also for others. He encourages us not be sad about the dead in Christ for they shall rise again in Jesus Christs name. Paul urges us to be ready for Christ's second coming "we must wear faith and love as a breastplate, and hope of salvation as a helmet" 1 Thessalonians 5:7
You know, I made up in my mind not to take things personal and try to love those who really get on my nerves and IRRITATE ME. I started to pray for them and pray for myself also to let go of them and not live my life ruled by pettiness and reckless emotion!! Nor will I give into evil and tricks that the enemy tries to throw my way. GUYS.... IT WORKED. This weekend I felt a certain love and kindness move through me. I had compassion, patience, and smiles and an amazing love for these folks and it felt really good. I found that people are sooo not that bad! I am happy and I pray that this love of Christ continues to flow in and through me.
Take good care and be ready for the coming of Christ.. Live a peaceful and quiet life and earn a living so you do not have to depend on anyone! Be nice to people and remember to take a daily inventory of yourself! Evil lives but so does love and thats a choice. I choose LIFE! Purify your heart and fiyah up your soul with the word in preparation for the coming of the lord!!!
PURE FIYAH people.. that's my motto!
Love Saved and Sanctified..xxx
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