Wednesday, July 23, 2008


It has been a while since I have show cased a hero/heroine. VOLAR! Here is a short clip of Ayaan Hirsi Ali whom I describe as an "anti-islamic radical". She describes herself as a "Muslim Athiest" and I admire her bravery and her overt stand against the Islamic radicals. The mass killings and urges of violence towards those who do not believe in "Allah" is increasing as the days goes by and the death rate is alarming. She takes a stand against the quotes in the Koran that encourage men to "beat disobedient wives", "Jihad" (to fight) "Kill the unbelievers, ambush them and take their property" and makes educated arguements against staunch muslims who believe the Koran is not "all bad". She wishes not to be a part of domination and killing sprees,denounces any affiliation with "Prophet Mohammed". She is a voice for young women, Christian and Jewish minorities and it is unfortunate that her life has been threatened for a number of years. Although she has not confessed Jesus as her lord and saviour, I do consider her a "motivationalist" if there is such a word. I pray that God will continue to protect and guide her. Even though she is yet to admit what she believes in, I believe the spirit of God is working in and through her and she does not even know it. I cannot tell you the unimaginable things I have heard that has been done in the name of Islam. I was in a NYC taxi the other day and the driver (from Pakistan) and I got into a conversation about the suffering that civillians in Pakistan have to endure. He came from a christian family (mind you he was not a preacher, nor was he evangelising) the day the authorities found out.
They kidnapped him and tortured him for months. He showed me his wounds,his disfigured left arm and fingers which had been sliced off. I cringed and heeved after each sentence. As squeemish as I am, I couldn't ask him to stop because I really wanted to hear his story. He somehow managed to escape-picked up his left arm shoved it in his pocket and tied his fingers together with some cloth and wood. I know God will reward his faithful servants. "Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 5.
I do not condemn or speak against Muslims but I only ask that the radicalists respect the choice of free will. I end with this to my fellow believers in christ:

"God has given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
and that every tongue should confess thatJesus Christ is Lord…"
Philippians 2:9-11.