Greetings to you... Its going to be hectic for me for the next couple of weeks guys as I am working on several Ad Hoc projects. Please remain faithful as I will be blogging about these events.
It involves patience, hard work, and a great deal of convincing myself that I am a "go getter" "I can do this" and a whole lot more. I mean I have to write letters, conduct meetings, deal with printers, heavy incoming and out going calls, follow ups and deal with complaints BUT I will be successful no matter what because with God I can never fail!
So on that note, I encourage you to dig up those "dusty desires" of yours that you may have buried deep within. Those dreams and future ambitions that you ponder but dismiss quickly because you think it'll never happen or that you can't do it.
The word of God says "You can do all things through Christ who strenghtens you" you have to search within for that inner strength. Rely on what you have inside to help you. Start by writing them down!! Even if it is 2 lines still keep record because you will stumble across it one day and just be motivated to go for it.
I like to jot my thoughts and ideas down and a lot of these projects I am working on lately prosper because of ideas I wrote down months or even up to 2 years ago. DON'T TALK ABOUT IT, BE ABOUT IT! I am sick of myself always talking about what it is I am going to do.. or having so many great ideas but I shy away when it comes to doing the work! NO NO NO! shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. JUST DO IT!
I love you all and I wish you the best in your new life ahead! Go for it! don't stop go ahead, go ahead go ahead go ahead don't stop!
Saved and Sanctified. xxx
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