I thank you today for your time and patience it has been a couple days but for some it has been a while(my committed folks know who they are ;0)
OK, so I have been on a quest to pay off debts and start living a good life meaning I am focusing on me. Anything not good for me that causes heartache, sorrow or that requires too much thinking gets filtered and disposed into the "I DONT CARE BIN"
My lovely Pastor (ELENA STERLING BASCOM-HER NAME ALONE IS SONOROUS)seems to be on my wave length when she brought the word from Matthew 6:30-34 I quote:
If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?
So do not worry and say, 'What are we to eat?' or 'What are we to drink?' or 'What are we to wear?'
All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, 19 and all these things will be given you besides.
Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.
Leave all your cares in the hands of the Lord. In the past I would get so into my thoughts coming up with all sorts of theologies as to my conditions. Never thinking for one moment that I was the actual problem. I was trying to figure it all out. My heart started to palpitate everytime I opened the mail box, checked my account balance/statements. I just worried too much about survival thinking I would starve to death, what if I loose my job, cant afford my apartment, I become homeless. I mean I thought it all and I am sure there are many like me, the housewife who strives for a clean orderly house and well-brought up kids so she can be happy with herself. The husband aims to make money,chase money, health, growth. We chase power, property, relationships not for our own sake but for the satisfaction they supposedly promise! If WE only follow basic instructions from my father above WE will understand that these are trivial in his eyes. If HE provides clothes for the grass of the field how much more "I" that which he gave life will HE provide for me. Instead of wallowing in self pity I ought to activate my faith and step into the realm of praise THANKING HIM for what HE has already done. I might be late and some might know this but I just found out that B.I.B.L.E is an acronym for BASIC INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE LEAVING EARTH. So therefore, if we do believe in God we are to reference his guide and use his word as our road map to heaven. Now, not only does this "guide" (if we follow correctly) lead us to eternity, it also helps us to live a stress free life. I am really putting all this to a test. GONE ARE THE DAYS OF CRYING, WAILING, HEADACHES,DEPRESSION....I am shedding all those weeds, it stops the plant from growing. I want to be seasoned and live each day as it comes happy and joyous in the days of my youth.
R.I.P to those that died as a result of the explosion in NYC yesterday and also the flood. I pray that God comforts their families and loved ones. (classic example of why you should not bear heavy burdens, you may never even see the tomorrow you worry so much about!) STOP THINKING SO MUCH AND LET YOUR MIND BE FREE. Make room for the word of God! I love you all but I have to run. xxxxx
Saved and Sanctified!
1st of all you cant starve ....in Jesus Name that is not you portion. You also have a Nice Brother that lives nearby ;)
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