Hello everyone... Hope you are as excited about the weekend as I am. Good news good news I paid off a lump sum of my credit card and as painful as it was I can now relate to how the late James Brown felt when he sang that song "I FEEL GOOD" TA NA NA NA NA NA NA.. LOL. I really hate being in debt but unfortunately the world that we live in revolves round credit and debit. I mean, American Society requires you to have good credit before you are considered "MADE" (having a house, car etc) which basically means you cannot have these things if you cant pay cash down or are considered "credit worthy" whatever happened to the old English phrase "Never a Lender or a Borrower be"! Society has gone to the DOGS!
So, let me get to where I was going. As Christians we are not to be enslaved to our debtors neither should we live our lives in debt trying to satisfy our fleshy desires. I am always trying to buy a new dress, shoes, even plates and pots for the house. I HATE TO ADMIT but I WAS a shopaholic (note the past tense, WAS) and I have to keep telling myself separate the WANTS from the NEEDS. Our maintenance costs should decrease once we allow the humility of Christ manifest in our lives. According to:
Money and the Christian by Caleb McAfee:
Signs of too much debt:
One credit card is used to pay another.
One bill is delayed so an overdue bill can be paid.
Paying only the minimum amount due on charge accounts
You can read snippets from the book on www.crosswalk.com or check out the book club section for the book. Please note that I am not saying it is sin to borrow or lend but credit should not be our focus because we want to live OUR BEST LIFE NOW!
You may think "Oh, I only have a little balance $1000 or so" but little drops of water make the mighty ocean.
Please pay more than your minimum balance and do without the new clothes or shoes for the kids or the new kitchen.. live in a hole and be debt free is better than living in a palace and not being able to sleep!
On that note have a good weekend with the lord. I leave you with Peace, Joy and Happiness.. I am buying my AC tomorrow! hehehe
xxx Love Saved and Sanctified!
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