Thursday, July 26, 2007

False Preachers??? You decide....

Hello All!
It is like 8:20am as I type and for some reason it feels like its 3:00am.
OK so I have been working hard at the gym why am I feeling like this?????? Well well I am happy to see another day! Truly grateful to be alive and not in the world of the dead where there is no thought, no action, no wisdom, no knowledge!!! Even though I have had a hectic schedule I still manage to put in my time to read both the bible and various articles that I intend to investigate further. I am very inquisitive which can play both good and bad but this article (above) I stumbled across makes it all good. Now, whilst I do not agree with everything in it, the dude does expose some preachers! This is kind of sad and it makes it hard for the true evangelists and ministers divinely ordained by God to reach the lost because they have defense mechanisms built up because of these "money preaching, prosperity, God wants you rich, sow a seed to get a prophesy, sell your house and give all your life savings to the church kinda preachers"! Now I don't know about you guys but I am an advocate for the truth.. Tell me what it is so I can change!!!!!!!! When I was growing up I knew God as someone you feared because he didn't allow you to do certain things.. wearing skimpy clothes, stealing, telling lies, having sex ET cetera. (He, was just too holy for the average human to comprehend). Looking at the state of the church and some of the "preachers" "pastors" and "Bishops" of today I can almost guarantee that this is a different God they talk about.
People of the pews, it is important to investigate whatever message the preacher is preaching please don't just make notes in church or leave church saying that was good because they made you jump and holla.. Investigate it!

Norman Geisler cleverly puts it:

"It says the evangelical church in America is about 3000 mile wide and an inch deep. Doctrinally, we are very shallow. In North Carolina we are in what is called the Bible Belt, but our problem is that we don't have enough Bible under our belts. We have enough religion to make us susceptible, but not enough doctrine to make us discerning. You can't recognize error until you can recognize the truth. I'm told that when government experts want to train people to recognize counterfeit currency, they study genuine currency. The same is true with doctrine."

He says this in reference to an investigation into Bishop T.D. Jakes and his beliefs on the holy trinity. Apparently, Jakes ignores the idea of God being 3 distinct persons.. "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" all together making one powerfull God. Rather, Jakes believes in the oneness of God "manifesting" in 3 forms. God the Father who created heaven and earth, the son who dies (Jesus) and the Holy spirit sent to dwell in us as the comforter.
I mean this is one big article worth reading. It will definitely make you more careful about what you read and more aware that we are responsible for protecting ourselves from this kind of "evil" if indeed they are false and also to investigate the word ourselves.

So it is not about sowing copious amounts to be blessed, it is not about going to church to feel good. God is a loving God but he is also a judge. His word says be ye transformed by the constant renewal of your mind. To remain saved is a battlefield in the mind. Yesss people will make you want to go there, you will be tested and tried by God and by the evil one but we must 1st realise that our relationship with God starts when you change from within and allow his love to manifest in your life. People will come against you but with his strength that dwelleth deep within you you shall over come. So please if you truly do not have the money don't believe any preacher who tells you if you sow $1000 God will bless you 100 fold. Give from you heart as God leads you to not as the preacher convinces you too. Yes we are responsible for work in the temple and to make sure it runs well BUT God never said collect specific offerings 5 times during the service and preach about Money for 2hours!!!!!!!! argggggggghhhhhhhhh this truly angers me.
Ya'll be careful with these eloquent words and feel good people that Market Jesus as a "Product" a "Commodity" that comes with benefits and you pay him for the rest of your life!
No, the gospel is.. Jesus came to earth from heaven and died for our (mankind) sins so that through him we can be reunited with the father in heaven! and if ye seek ye 1st the kingdom of God and all his righteousness ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU! Matthew 6:7

You hear that? No where in the book does it talk about paying for a blessing! Seek God and he will bless YOU. Peace xxxx

"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves" - Mt 7:15

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